14th Iranian International Group Theory Conference - چهاردهمین کنفرانس بین المللی نظریه گروه های ایران


Attendance at the conference is free for those interested. You need the Adobe Connect and Flash Player applications installed in your system to enter the classes. The opening is in class A at 9:00 AM - Feb. 3, 2022 Tehran time zone (GMT+3:30).

Important Dates

Paper submission due

Notification of Acceptance 


Conference Dates
February 3-4th 2022

 You can download schedule time table here

The time is set based on the official Iran-Tehran time. (GMT+3:30)

Presentations will be held in three classes A, B and C. 

Class A - https://meetingvc.iust.ac.ir/igtca/

Class B - https://meetingvc.iust.ac.ir/igtcb/

Class C - https://meetingvc.iust.ac.ir/igtcc/

Attendance at the conference is free for those interested. You need Adobe connect and flash player installed in your system to enter to the classes. 

Opening is at 9:00 AM - Feb. 3, 2022 in class A.